U.S. Embassy brought the sounds, sights, and energy of America to four cities across Georgia in a week-long celebration lasting from June 2-June 6.

American Days showcased American culture and U.S.-supported programs in four cities of Georgia – Zugdidi, Gori, Akhaltsikhe and Tbilisi. USAID-funded Momavlis Taoba (MT) program implemented by PH International actively participated in the festival in all four cities of Georgia.

MT program partner school students displayed the photos reflecting the work of students for the benefit of their schools and communities. Students also presented flash mob shows featuring their attitude to topics, such as domestic violence, the need for children;s rights protection and importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Ambassador to Georgia Richard Norland, representatives of the local Government and community members visited PH International;s corner during the festival, spoke with students and took pictures with young citizens. For students, American Days provided a great opportunity to present their activities to wider public and explain the importance of civic education in the life of youth.