Students of Atskuri village public school distributed disinfectants in two villages as a part of the preventive measures against COVID-19 infection.”This solution is made from natural ingredients, it consists of ecologically clean alcohol, chamomile tea and honey; it does not irritate the skin and is not as harmful as other chemical disinfectants,” – said Mariam Gakhutishvili village Atskhuri school student.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, epidemiologists and health professionals urge people to follow social distancing and strict hygiene rules to prevent the spread of the infection. Students of Atskuri village public school responded to these recommendations, contacted the head of biodynamic viticulture of Ruispiri village, and asked for disinfectant solutions.
The head of the viticulture welcomed students initiative and granted them disinfectants.Students distributed these disinfectants among grocery stores, vegetable markets and bakeries of the villages of Atskuri and Zemo Khodashani.