Lika Jaiani, 10th-grade student of Kekhijvari village public school spoke about the results of her participation in a school-based civics club: “Before joining the school civics club, I had difficulties in communication with people, I couldn’t make a presentation, I was very tense and frustrated. But soon, when I began to participate in civics activities, I gave up my “complexes” and saw myself and my abilities from another point of view.

Now, I and my friends are planning and implementing projects that are aimed at raising students’ awareness, protecting children’s rights, equality, integrating children with disabilities into society, identifying community and school problems, and solving them. Thanks to the “Momavlis Taoba program, civic education in our school is not taught through the textbooks, we have the opportunity to use the theoretical material in practice and be active citizens. Civic education helps me to be a thoughtful and realized person – said Lika Jaiani.