Giulgiun Mamedkhanova is from Takhalo village in Marneuli municipality. She is a third-year student at Tbilisi State University.

At the same time, she is a volunteer journalist, beginner filmmaker, author of the cognitive program at Radio “Marneuli and intern in the theater “Era.According to Gulgun Mamedkhanova, she worked hard to achieve all these. She was a very shy and locked-up girl at school, even having a problem communicating with her classmates.“I always believe in wonders, and when I was in the 9th grade, this wonder came to me named by “Momavlis Taoba program, which covers all regions of Georgia with USAID support.

The program brought a lot of opportunities to me. It helped me overcome my difficulties and learn how to become an active citizen.

I didnt even know the meaning of citizenship. The “Momavlis Taoba” program gave me freedom. As a part of this program, I worked as a volunteer at the Public Service Hall in Marneuli and received informal education there. During this time, I realized the true meaning of freedom, set goals to become stronger in the future, and made more positive changes in my life and for the community. I know that there are many more “Giulgiuns like me, and I know that “Momavlis Taoba program will help them as it did to me – said Giulgiun Mamedkhanova.