School-based civics club students from “Momavlis Taoba program partner
schools in Adjara region met with Nino Dolidze, representative of International
Republican Institute (IRI). Nino Dolidze spoke about gender equality, women’s
rights and engagement of women in public life.

She also answered students questions
about gender-based violence, risks of early marriage and protection of women’s
rights.David Hoffman, USAID Georgia Mission Deputy
Director, Adam Schmidt, Director of the Democracy, Governance and Social
Development Office of USAID Georgia, Marina Ushveridze, Chief of Party of Civic
Education Program and Maia Katamadze, Director of Batumi Educational
Development and Employment Center attended the meeting. The meeting was organized by USAID civics education
program “Momavlis Taoba and USAID International Republican Institute (IRI).