On April 4, 2018, civics students of MT program 30 partner schools of Imereti region visited the Parliament of Georgia and had a meeting with Mariam Jashi, a Chairman of the Committee of Education, Science and Culture and her deputy Genadi Margvelashvili. The issues concerning the education were discussed at the meeting.

Members of the Parliament focused on the construction of new schools in the regions, arraignment of wheelchair ramps, better conditions for teachers and the importance of improvement of modern teaching methods through establishing digital technologies. Students also shared their plans and initiatives they want to be involved in.Representatives of the Parliament of Georgia promised to support students’ civics initiatives.;It is difficult to evaluate the whole day with a few words.

First of all, this day was full of many interesting and necessary information. I met with young leaders and learned about interesting ideas.

I think we will plan and implement many exciting activities together. I think “Momavlis Taoba” is one big family and I;m glad that I;m a member of this family. We have a lot of good days ahead! ;- said Mariam Bregadze, Leader of the Civics Club of village Rokiti public school. The visit was organized in the framework of USAID funded “Momavlis Taoba” program implemented by PH International. Kutaisi Education Development and Employment Center is MT program’s partner organization in Imereti regions.