On March 27, 2018, a meeting was held with teachers and students of Civic Education Program “Momavlis Taoba” new 40 schools of Tbilisi and Mtskheta- Mtianeti regions. At the event students of MT’s former partner schools shared their experience and presented successful projects and initiatives implemented by them for the benefit of their schools and communities.

Marina Ushveridze, MT program Chief of party, welcomed guests and spoke about the plans of the MT program for the next three years. CTF executive director, Maka Bibilashvili made a presentation of the Forum’s activities, Nikoloz Silagadze representative of the MES of Georgia spoke about the importance of civic education at schools.

Successful teacher of Tbilisi public school №155 Natia Khlusidze and school principal of Tbilisi public school №150 Irakli Mekvevrishvili shared the experience with representatives of new schools.The events were organized in the framework of USAID funded “Momavlis Taoba” program implemented by PH International. Tbilisi Youth House  is
MT program’s partner organization in Tbilisi and Mtskheta-Mtianeti regions.